My main research topics are infinitary combinatorics, forcing and its applications to Analysis and Topology. I got my Ph.D. in Mathematics at CCM UNAM and IFM UMSNH in 2018 under the supervision of Michael Hrušák.
Currently I am working as a postdoc at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Wrocław.
This is a list of my research papers.
On cardinal invariants related to Rosenthal families and large-scale topology. (Joint work with T. Żuchowski)[ArXiv] |
On ideals related to Laver and Miller trees. (Joint work with A. Cieślak)[ArXiv] |
Michael Spaces and Ultrafilters. Topology and its Applications, Volume 346 (2024). [Journal][ArXiv] |
Rosenthal families, pavings and generic cardinal invariants, (Joint work with P. Koszmider). Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 149 (2021), 1289-1303. [Journal][ArXiv] |
Cardinal Invariants of Strongly Porous Sets, (Joint work with O. Guzmán and M. Hrušák) Journal of Logic & Analysis, Vol 9 (2017) [Journal, Open Access][Preprint] |
Canjar Filters, (Joint work with O. Guzmán and M. Hrušák) Notre Dame J. Formal Logic, Volume 58, Number 1 (2017). [Journal][Preprint] |
Canjar Filters II: Proofs of b<s and b<a revisited, (Joint work with O. Guzmán and M. Hrušák) RIMS Kokyuroku No. 1895 (2014) [Journal, Open Access][Preprint] |
You can download my Ph.D. thesis here.
The best way to contact me is by e-mail. My e-mail address is You can also contact me at my office at the following address:
Tuesday 10.00-12.00 Room: 605. Institute of Matematics
Tuesday 12.00-14.00 Room: 602. Institute of Matematics
Thursday 12.00-14.00 Room: 410. Institute of Matematics
You can find the course's website here.
Thursday 16.00-18.00 Room: TBA. Institute of Matematics
Consultation hours: Wednesday 10.00-12.00 Room 701. We can arrange a meeting if these hours do not work for you. Contact me by e-mail.